Greater Shepparton Cycling Strategy 2013-2017

The Greater Shepparton Cycling Strategy is reviewed periodically in response to the Greater Shepparton 2030 Strategy, Council Plan 2013-2017 and Shepparton CBD Strategy.

This strategy replaces the Greater Shepparton Cycling Strategy 2006 and sets the direction for cycling in Greater Shepparton and incorporates the vision for the next ten years.

The strategy provides a framework and vision for a cycling network (see section 6.4) that illustrates existing and future facilities. Section 9 of the strategy proposes an action plan to enable these facilities to be implemented. The strategy action plan is all about setting the basis for delivering the proposed bicycle network and supports sports/tourism cycling facility development as outlined in sections 6 to 8 of the strategy.

The Greater Shepparton Cycling Strategy 2013-2017 was adopted by the Council on 17 June 2014.

Super Tuesday Bike Counts

Greater Shepparton City Council participates in the annual Super Tuesday Bike Count conducted by the Bicycle Network of Australia.

The count records volumes, gender and movement flow of people on bicycles at selected sites. The counts inform an understanding of the uptake of cycling in Greater Shepparton, reveal which routes are being utilised and highlight yearly trends.

The count provides Council with raw data that is critical to informing the implementation of Council’s Cycling Strategy, and the 10-year capital works program that will ultimately construct a range of new cycling infrastructure within Greater Shepparton.

For previous Super Tuesday Bike Count reports, please contact Council.