Enrolment requirements

Important information about the enrolment, immunisation, medical information, illness exclusions, medication and court order requirements when enrolling your child in kindergarten.

Parents/guardians are to refer to the following Kindergarten Central Registration link to register their child for Kindergarten:

Immunisation requirements

Under the ‘No Jab, No Play’ legislation, to confirm enrolment for your child you must provide the service, evidence that your child is up to date with all of their immunisations.

An Immunisation History Statement from the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) must be used as evidence of up to date Immunisation.

Other Immunisation records, such as ‘homeopathic Immunisation’ or a statutory declaration from you cannot be accepted.

Alternatively if your child is not up to date with their Immunisation’s you may be eligible to enrol your child under the 16 week support period (also known as the grace period). Families should discuss their individual circumstances with the service.

You can obtain your AIR statement by:

  • using your Medicare online account through myGov or the Express Plus Medicare mobile app.
  • in person at your local Medicare or Centrelink office, or
  • call the Australian Immunisation Register enquiries line on 1800 653 809 to request a statement. It can take 14 days to get your statement in the post.

Please note: Parents are required to provide the service with evidence that their child continues to be up to date with Immunisations while attending, for example after their child receives an Immunisation, or in response to the request from the service.

Further information can be accessed at the following website:

Children’s medical information requirements

If your child has a diagnosed specific health care need, allergy or other relevant medical condition, please ensure you discuss this with the service and complete the Child Care and Kindergarten Enrolment form online.

The service is required to make available to you the Medical Conditions Policy and provide you with a Risk Minimisation and Communication Plan to be completed in consultation with the service to ensure the risks related to your child’s diagnosed health care need, allergy or relevant medical condition are assessed and minimised whilst your child is in education and care.

Children's Services Policy, Practice and Procedural Guidelines

If your child has a Medical Management plan provided by a Medical Practitioner, you are required to upload a copy of the current Medical Management Plan when completing your child’s online Enrolment Form (see below).

Please ensure you inform the service of any relevant changes relating to the nature or management of your child’s specific health care need, allergy or other relevant medical condition, including an updated Medical Management Plan.

Illness exclusions

It is important that families keep their child home if the child is unwell.

A child, who is unwell struggles to participate in the program, is often tired and unhappy and in some instances may be contagious.

We do understand that it can be challenging for the child, the family and work commitments to have a child not able to attend our service due to illness. By your child attending only when they are well, we are able to support the health and wellbeing of all children and families by reducing the risk and impact of illness.

Families are requested to notify the service if their child contracts an infectious disease nominated on the Victorian Department of Health Communicable Infectious Disease Chart as displayed in the service and to follow the listed exclusion timeframes.

If you suspect that your child may have an infectious disease, please take your child to a Medical Practitioner to have a diagnosis confirmed.

In the event of your child becoming unwell whilst at kindergarten, the service will contact you or your listed emergency contact if unable to contact you.

Further information can be found in the Victorian Government fact sheet linked below:


Should your child require medication while attending kindergarten, please ensure that you inform educators.

If medication is to be administered to your child the medication MUST be:

  • from its original container;
  • bearing the original label and instructions or with the name of the child to whom the medication is to be administered; and 
  • before the expiry or use by date

All medication administered to a child whilst attending the service is required to be authorised by a parent/guardian, where a Medication Authorisation form provided by the service is to be completed by the parent/guardian.

Importantly, medications cannot be left in children’s bags at any time. This is to ensure the safety of all children attending. Please pass on all medication to an educator on arrival to the service.

Court Orders, Parenting Orders, Tribunal Orders or Parenting Plan requirements

If your child has any court orders, parenting orders, tribunal orders or parenting plans relating to the power, duties, responsibilities or authorities of a person in relation to your child or access to your child, please ensure you discuss this with the service and complete the ‘Court Orders, Parenting Orders, Tribunal Orders or Parenting Plans section on the Child Care and Kindergarten Enrolment form.

You are required to upload a copy of the current court order, parenting order, tribunal order or parenting plan when completing your child’s online Enrolment Form.

Please ensure you inform the service of any relevant changes relating to the court, parenting or tribunal orders or parenting plan, or if you believe a custody order may be violated, so we can assist in keeping your child safe whilst attending our service.