Community Plan Implementation

The Community Development Newsletter

The Community Development Newsletter aims to provide Community Planning Groups and other community groups and organisations with a wide range of articles covering everything from news/events, town trivia, human interest stories, and much more.

The Community Development Newsletter is published every month.

If you’d like to receive the Community Development Newsletter each month please send a request to or contact one of Council’s Community Development Officers on (03) 5832 9700.

Community Planning Toolkit

The Community Plan Toolkit is a resource aimed at providing Community Planning Group members and the wider community with information regarding the delivery of the Community Planning program within Greater Shepparton.

It outlines processes and procedures, but also provides tips and ideas to assist members to develop, implement and review their Community Plans.

Updated November 2023


Funding for Community Planning Groups

Community Planning Groups are encouraged to seek funding from a wide range of sources to assist with the delivery of the actions in their Community Plans.

Potential funding sources may include state and federal governments, philanthropic organisations, other community groups, and community in general.

Council also has a limited pool of funds specifically for Community Planning Groups. This pool of funds is known as Community Planning Implementation Funds (CPIF).

There are two streams of CPIF:

  1. CPIF Specialist Stream
  2. CPIF Operational Stream

Specialist Stream – Community Plan Implementation Fund

The Specialist Stream of the Community Plan Implementation Fund is offered twice yearly.

Specialist funding rounds will be developed by Council’s Community Strengthening team and will provide opportunities for Community Plan Groups to implement specific projects based on common themes identified across Community Plans.

Funds are allocated via an application process, and must be acquitted. Applications are made through Council’s grants software SmartyGrants.

Applications for the Specialist Stream opened on 13 August 2024 and will close on 30 October 2024.
Click here to apply for the Specialist Stream.

Guidelines for the Specialist Stream can be found below.

Operational Stream - Community Plan Implementation Fund

The Operational Stream of the Community Plan Implementation Fund is open all year, until funds are exhausted.

Operational Stream funds can be utilised by Community Planning Groups to assist in delivering actions outlined in their Community Plans.

Funds are allocated via an application process, and must be acquitted. Applications are made through Council’s grants software SmartyGrants.

Applications for the Operational Stream are now open
Click here to apply for the Operational Stream

A guide to applying for funds through the Operational Stream of the Community Plan Implementation Fund

PDF, 654 KB

Useful forms and templates