Greater Shepparton Heritage Interpretive Signage Funding Program

The Greater Shepparton Interpretive Signage Funding Program seeks to promote places of local heritage significance (buildings, structures and sites), and to increase public awareness and understanding of these places across Greater Shepparton.


Interpretative signage is an effective and visible means of celebrating Greater Shepparton’s historical and cultural builds and natural environment. Signage has the ability to create a communication connection between the person reading the sign and the place they are located in. This increases both the community and visitor’s sense of awareness and knowledge of the culture and history of the location. Signage can play an important role in preserving these places and involving future generations in this endeavour.

To support the installation of interpretative signage the Greater Shepparton Heritage Signage Sub-Committee, in association with Greater Shepparton City Council, provide the Greater Shepparton Heritage Interpretive Signage Funding Program.

Future funding opportunities

The Greater Shepparton Heritage Interpretive Signage Funding Program is provided every second year. The next round is due in the 2025/2026 financial year.  

To be eligible for funding, the proposed signage must relate to a place or object of local heritage significance within Greater Shepparton and be within the Heritage Overlay of the Greater Shepparton Planning Scheme, or listed as a place of significance in the Victorian Heritage Register.

Projects of the Heritage Advisory Committee

The Greater Shepparton Heritage Signage Sub-Committee undertake projects for installation of interpretive signage which provides broader historical context to the community and visitor’s sense of awareness and knowledge.

The sub-committee is open to requests/suggestions for possible projects to be undertaken outside the grant program.

What funding is available?

Funding for the installation of Interpretive Heritage Signage is available for up to $5,000 but is only for 50% of the cost of works recommended for funding on a $1 to $1 basis.

Eligibility Criteria

Information on the eligibility criteria and the design considerations that should be adhered to are outlined in the Greater Shepparton Heritage Interpretive Signage Funding Guidelines. A link to the Guidelines can be found below.


The content and installation of the interpretive signage will be subject to review by Council’s Heritage Advisory Committee and Heritage Adviser.

For more information, please call Council's Building, Planning and Compliance Department on (03) 5832 9730.