Social Recovery Quick Response Grant

Greater Shepparton City Council is committed to supporting the local community following the 2022 October Flood Event. The Social Recovery Quick Response Grant provides funding to the Greater Shepparton community to assist with community led social recovery initiatives to respond to the impact of the Floods.

Council invites eligible not-for-profit organisations and community groups to make an application for funding through the Social Recovery Quick Response Grant Program. 

Grants of up to $1,000 are available for small-scale projects that support our community to lead their own community recovery activities.

How to apply

This grant is currently CLOSED. 

Before applying please contact the team to discuss your eligibility and suitability to the program on (03) 5832 9700 or email

To assist you in completing your application, please note the following tips:

  1. You will need access to the internet and an email address to make your application.
  2. The online system will not accept incomplete applications.
  3. All questions marked with an asterisk* must be completed.
  4. Review your application carefully before submitting, as once submitted you cannot go back to make any more changes.
  5. When you submit an application online, you will receive an application number. Please make a note of this and, where possible and keep a copy of your application for future reference.

Applicants will be notified via automatic email that their application has been received.

Greater Shepparton City Council will endeavour to notify all applicants on the outcome of their application within 30 days of their submission.


Please read the guidelines carefully to ensure you are eligible to apply and to assist you to complete all sections of the application process.


  • Applications can be made by not-for-profit organisations whose principal activities are conducted within the Greater Shepparton municipality.
  • Applications can be made by a residents’ group which is specifically formed to carry out the project. Where an application is made by a group that is not an incorporated association; the applicant must nominate another incorporated not-for-profit organisation that is agreeable to manage the grant funds on their behalf. A letter will be required from this organisation to confirm its willingness to accept the auspice role.
  • Applicants must have a current $20 million Public Liability Insurance policy which does not expire prior to the project completion date.
  • Applications will only be accepted from schools when the project benefits the broader community.
  • Projects must commence and be completed within the 2023 calendar year.

Available funding

The total funding pool of $20,000 is available for individual submissions up to a value of $1,000 per application. Funding will only be provided where there is a direct link to social recovery and in accordance with grant guidelines.

Organisations or community groups may make multiple applications but can only receive funding for one project.

Funding priorities

The following will be considered for funding, but is not an exhaustive list:

  • improve mental and physical health to enable community-led recovery
  • build community resilience
  • assist community groups to engage volunteers
  • address social isolation and building connections and engagement
  • respond to the impacts of the recent floods or other emerging recovery needs.

What will NOT be funded

The following are not eligible for funding in this grant round:

  • projects that are the funding responsibility of other levels of government
  • projects that have already started. Retrospective funding for projects is not available
  • applications by private or for profit organisations
  • applications received after the funding date
  • projects that are clearly a duplication of an existing service
  • applications will not be accepted from or on behalf of individuals.

Assessment criteria

All applications will be assessed based on the information provided in the application and need to demonstrate they address the aims of the program.

Applications will be assessed by the Greater Shepparton City Council internal panel. In assessing the applications, the following criteria will be taken into consideration:

  • Demonstrate a direct link to social recovery in response to the impact of the 2022 Flood Event on the Greater Shepparton Community.
  • Demonstrate that the project benefits the community through broad community reach and by establishing key partnerships.

Applications will be assessed against the assessment criteria.  All applications will be notified as to the outcome of their application via the email address provided in the application.


In some cases, approvals/permits may be required to carry out the proposed project. Applicants should discuss their project with the responsible body i.e. Council, Government Department or land owner, prior to submitting their application. Your offer of funding will be made conditional to you obtaining regulatory approvals. The approval/permit must be obtained within 6 weeks of your offer of funding or an extension negotiated and approved. Council Officers can assist applicants with the process of gaining approvals.

Diversity and inclusion

Council acknowledges, celebrates and supports the diversity of the Greater Shepparton community, as a tool to ensure activities and programs are inclusive of all.  It is therefore important applicants demonstrate a range of diversity strategies within their application.

Below are examples of ways in which you may demonstrate inclusion of all in your program/activitiesPlease note, these are examples ONLY and we encourage your group to develop a range of inclusion practices unique to your application.

  • Provision of accessible facilities such as parking, toilets, ramp access and accessible seating.
  • Gender inclusion.
  • Information available in accessible formats, such as large print, alternative language, plain English, the use of interpreters, such as Auslan for people who are Deaf.
  • Availability of a broad range of foods.
  • Ensuring all published materials avoids acronyms and jargon.
  • Take religious and cultural occasions into consideration when planning events.

Council Officers are available to support you with identifying, capturing and reflecting diversity within your application through the following contacts:

  • Community Development Officers
  • Aboriginal Engagement Officer
  • Access and Inclusion Officer
  • Multicultural Development Officer
  • Youth Development Officer
  • Social Equity and Safety Coordinator
  • Diversity Project Officer (LGBTQIA+, Positive Ageing & Women)
  • Community Strengthening Project Officer (Gender Equity)

Please contact Customer Service on (03) 5832 9700 and ask to speak to the relevant Officer/s. Alternatively, you can contact the relevant Officers via


Council aims to ensure the environment is a major priority in planning.  When planning your project, consideration must be given to how you can avoid negatively impacting on the environment and promote sustainability. You are encouraged to learn more about Council's commitment to the environment on our website.

Acquittal report

You will be required to report back to Council when your project is completed. The acquittal process is important because it enables Council to continuously evaluate the success of the Funding Program. Your acquittal should include:

  • A summary of the project including your feedback on the things that went well and also learnings from the project.
  • A financial statement must be completed together with receipts attached.
  • Copies of promotional materials, photographs or video for the purpose of promoting the funding program through Council’s publications and website.

All projects must be completed by December 2023.

Successful applicants are required to complete the grant acquittal within 90 days of completion of the project.

A group which fails to submit their acquittal documents is ineligible to apply for funding under any future rounds of the Social Recovery Grants until their acquittal is completed and reviewed by Council.

Other information

Greater Shepparton City Council reserves the right to amend these guidelines and application terms and the assessment process at any time as it deems appropriate.

Any personal details will not be disclosed to any person outside the assessment process, however a short summary of the application activity will be utilised in briefings to Council and the list of successful applicants (organisation’s name) will be published on the Greater Shepparton City Council’s website, social media and communicated to local media.


For further information please contact the Council on (03) 5832 9700.

These Guidelines can be downloaded in printable PDF format via the link below: 

Flood Event, October 2022

PDF, 243 KB