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Plants and Landscapes

Explore and enjoy the vast Australian native plant collection and reclaimed landscape at the Australian Botanic Gardens Shepparton (ABGS).

The gardens feature the Honeysuckle or Silver Banksia (Banksia marginata), both native to the Kialla area, and a common site for this species prior to mining of the natural sand hills. The name given to the mound of the former landfill, Honeysuckle Rise, pays tribute to this particularly hardy plant, and is home to the beautifully designed themed gardens.

In 2018 our gardens were selected as one of only two regional botanic gardens in Victoria to participate in the Care for the Rare program overseen by Botanic Gardens Australia and New Zealand.

Discover the Garden's abundance of local wildlife. The picturesque landscape is home to over 100 species of birds recorded as part of regular monitoring by Bird Life Goulburn Murray members. Nesting boxes have been mounted to encourage more creatures, so be sure to keep an eye out!

Getting to know and appreciate the locals.

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